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Version: 7.2402.x.x RR

Syslog log data forwarding

You may use the qslogger utility tool in combination with the piped log processing to forward log data to the systems syslog daemon. The qslogger utility tool is available from configuration example

BC.Tracer.LogFile=pipe:///opt/nevisproxy/bin/qslogger -p -t nevisProxy/navajo/default -f
local3 -l INFO -d debug -r "^\[a-zA-Z0-9\.: -\]+ \[0-9\]-(\[A-Z_\]\{4,9\}).*"
|/opt/nevisproxy/bin/bclogmgr size=52428800 archives=2 /var/opt/nevisproxy/default/logs/navajo.log
TransferLog=""|/opt/nevisproxy/bin/qslogger -p -t nevisProxy/access/default -f
local3 |/opt/nevisproxy/bin/bclogmgr size=52428800 archives=2
ErrorLog=""|/opt/nevisproxy/bin/qslogger -p -t nevisProxy/error/default -f local3 -
l INFO |/opt/nevisproxy/bin/bclogmgr size=52428800 archives=2

For more information on the qslog, see the chapter Helper tools.

The qslog is enabled by default in the navajo.xml file, via the CustomLog attribute. See also Using the Apache CustomLog. If you do not need the runtime statistics, it is safe to remove the qslog, or delete the CustomLog attribute altogether. The CPU usage of the qslog utility is small but not negligible.