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Version: 8.2405.x.x RR

Migrating instances to standalone deployment

To migrate an existing nevisMeta instance based on Java EE deployment to standalone deployment, we suggest the following procedure:

  1. Create a new nevisMeta instance in standalone deployment mode:

This instance must be bound to the same interface and use the same protocol schemes, ports and key material as the instance you would like to replace. Example command:

nevismeta inst create DEPLOY_TYPE=standalone

Ensure this instance is not started yet.

  1. Copy the relevant configuration properties from the old instance to the new instance:

Do not simply overwrite the new instance's configuration files with the configuration files of the old instance. This is because the new configuration files contain some mandatory settings that are not part of the old ones. Instead, go through the properties of the old configuration files one by one. If desired, copy/paste the properties from the old configuration file to the configuration file of the new instance.

  1. Edit the configuration files log4j.xml and in /var/opt/nevismeta/\[newInstance\]/conf/, to reflect your previous configuration in /var/opt/nevismeta/[oldInstance]/conf/.
  2. Standalone deployments do not require the file vmargs.conf to set the Java options. In standalone deployments, it is the file env.conf that supplies the Java options, in the following format: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:+UseParallelGC".
  3. After changing the configurations, make sure that all files are owned by nvauser/nvbgroup. Example command:
chown -R nvauser:nvbgroup /var/opt/nevismeta/[newInstance]
  1. Test the new instance:

    1. Stop the nevisMeta instance you would like to replace:
    nevismeta [oldInstance] stop
    1. Start the new instance with the following command:
    nevismeta [newInstance] start
    1. Ensure that the new instance is running.
    2. Test the functionality of your Nevis setup properly.
  2. If successfully tested, remove the old instance.