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Version: 7.2402.x.x RR

Management Endpoints

nevisLogRend implements two management endpoints that can, for example, be used to integrate with Kubernetes. One of the endpoints provides liveness information and the other one readiness information. Check the Kubernetes documentation for more information on how to configure the liveness and readiness probes.

Readiness endpoint

The readiness endpoint informs you whether the server is ready to properly handle requests. The readiness endpoint is accessible using the server port which is configured using the server.port property as described in the Server configuration properties. The following table describes the HTTP API of the readiness endpoint:

Default URLhttps://hostname:8988/nevislogrend/health
Request HTTP MethodGET
Response Content-Typeapplication/json;charset=utf-8
Response Body if nevisLogRend is ready{ "status" : "UP" }
HTTP Status Code if nevisLogRend is ready200 (OK)
Response Body if nevisLogRend is not ready{ "status" : "DOWN" }
HTTP Status Code if nevisLogRend is not ready503 (Service Unavailable)

Liveness endpoint

The liveness endpoint informs whether the server is up or not. The server might be up and running, but it might not be ready to properly handle requests, for instance, because of setting misconfiguration. The liveness endpoint is accessible using the management port which is configured when using the management.server.port property. Currently, only HTTP is supported.

The following table describes the HTTP API of the liveness endpoint:

Default URLhttps://hostname:8997/nevislogrend/liveness
Request HTTP MethodGET
Response Content-Typeapplication/json;charset=utf-8
Response Body if nevisLogRend is Alive{ "status" : "UP" }
HTTP Status Code if nevisLogRend is Alive200 (OK)