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Version: 8.2405.x.x RR

Message Bus

For a proper functioning of nevisDetect, either install/configure an own message bus or use the built-in nevisdetect-mqcomponent. This section shows you how to configure the message bus using the nevisdetect-mq component.

nevisdetect-mq component

The nevisdetect-mq component is part of the nevisdetect RPM. After the handover, you will find the configuration files of the nevisdetect-mq component here: /var/opt/nevisdetect/mq/.

The nevisdetect-mq component provides the following command line interface for administration:

[root@nevisdetect-dev]# nevisdetect-mq

nevisdetect-mq start # starts the mq component
nevisdetect-mq stop # stops the mq component
nevisdetect-mq restart # restarts the mq component
nevisdetect-mq status # displays the status of the mq component
nevisdetect-mq handover # creates the default configuration of the mq component

Configuring the message broker

To configure the message broker, you can edit the activemq.xml file located at /var/opt/nevisdetect/mq/conf/activemq.xml, as shown in the following code snippet:

<broker xmlns="" brokerName="nevisDetect" persistent="false">
keyStore="<your key store>"
keyStorePassword="<your key store password>"
trustStore="<your trust store>"
trustStorePassword="<your trust store password>"/>

<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="ssl://<host>:><port>?needClientAuth=true&transport.daemon=true"/>

<timeStampingBrokerPlugin ttlCeiling="300000" zeroExpirationOverride="300000"/>
  • The statisticsBrokerPlugin is required for monitoring the queues and topics of nevisDetect in the Application monitoring view of the nevisDetect web application.
  • The timeStampingBrokerPlugin is recommended for limiting the time-to-live of a message.