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Version: 8.2405.x.x RR


The HttpConnectionPool is an HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation based on the Apache HTTP Client. It is, for example, used to connect to the NevisAgent. It implements the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient interface.


NameType, usage constraints, defaultsDescription
poolSizeoptional: paraVal
default: 8
type: integer
The size of the connection pool.
sslSettingsoptional: paraMap
default: none
type: string/string
The SSL configuration settings used for this connection pool. It uses the Java system property names to set up the key and trust stores.
proxySettingsoptional: paraMap
default: none
type: string/string
The proxy settings used for the HTTP connection. The following values have to be provided: http.proxyHost: The hostname of the proxy server; http.proxyPort: The port number of the proxy server.


Example configuring an SSL connection:

<object type="HttpConnectionPool" name="httpConnection">
<dp:paraMap name="sslSettings">
<value name="" value="truststore.jks"/>
<value name="" value="secret"/>
<value name="" value="jks"/>
<value name="" value="keystore.jks"/>
<value name="" value="secret"/>
<value name="" value="jks"/>
<dp:paraVal name="poolSize" value="10"/>

Example configuring of an HTTP proxy:

<object type="HttpConnectionPool" name="httpConnection">
<dp:paraMap name="proxySettings">
<value name="http.proxyHost" value=""/>
<value name="http.proxyPort" value="3128"/>