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Version: 8.2405.x.x RR

Migration from MariaDB to PostgreSQL


While we have tested the migration process thoroughly and found it to work in our scenarios, we cannot guarantee that it will be successful in all possible cases. Please be aware that you use this guide and the pgloader tool at your own risk. You are responsible for verifying that all your data has been successfully migrated.

This guide assumes that you already have a running nevisAdmin 4 instance and a MariaDB database you want to migrate from.

nevisAppliance and RPM-based installations

  1. If you haven't done so already, stop the nevisAdmin4 service, so that it doesn't write in the database during migration.

  2. Setup the PostgreSQL database. For the setup guide, see PostgreSQL initial setup.

  3. Change the db properties in your nevisadmin4.yml file to point to the PostgreSQL database.

  4. Start the nevisAdmin4 service. This will initialize the schema in the new database, preparing it for the data migration.

  5. Stop the nevisAdmin4 service.

  6. Create the following migration file. Name it postgres_migration.load.

    FROM mysql://<mariadb-user>:<mariadb-pw>@<mariadb-host>:<mariadb-port>/nevisadmin4
    INTO postgresql://<postgres-user>:<postgres-pw>@<postgres-host>:<postgres-port>/nevisadmin4?sslmode=allow
    alter schema 'nevisadmin4' rename to '<postgres-schema>'

    timezone to '<inverse-UTC-of-the-admin4-server>'

    type clob to text,
    type binary to bytea,
    column analytics_meta.last_confirmation to timestamp,
    column job_status.end_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.start_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.creation_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.progress to real

    data only,

    excluding table names matching
  7. Replace <mariadb-user>, <mariadb-pw>, <mariadb-host>, <mariadb-port>, <postgres-user>, <postgres-pw>, <postgres-host>, <postgres-port>, and <postgres-schema> with the appropriate values.

    1. <postgres-user> needs to be either the schema owner of <postgres-schema>, or a superuser.
  8. Replace the timezone value with the timezone of your nevisAdmin4 server, with a negated sign. For example, if your nevisAdmin4 server was in UTC+1, replace it with UTC-1. If it was in UTC-1, replace it with UTC+1.

  9. Run this command to run the migration. Replace <path>/postgres_migration.load with the absolute path to postgres_migration.load.

    docker run --rm -it --network host -v <path>/postgres_migration.load:/postgres_migration.load dimitri/pgloader:latest pgloader --no-ssl-cert-verification /postgres_migration.load

    Example output:

    2024-08-14T08:06:47.036001Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel"
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.250007Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://mariadb@localhost:3306/nevisadmin4 {1007EAEE53}>
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.250007Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://na4_owner@localhost:5432/nevisadmin4 {1007EAFB93}>
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.926026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_binary_secret_permission" of relation "binary_secret_permission" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.928026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_dha_id_dh_id" of relation "deployment_history_action" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.929026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_dhdt_id_dh_id" of relation "deployment_history_deployment_target" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.932026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "ptc_id_pt_id" of relation "project_template_categories" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.933026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_secret_permission" of relation "secret_permission" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.934026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_gm_user" of relation "group_member" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:47.935026Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_gm_usergroup" of relation "group_member" does not exist, skipping
    2024-08-14T08:06:49.210063Z LOG report summary reset
    table name errors rows bytes total time
    ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
    fetch meta data 0 42 0.258s
    Drop Foreign Keys 0 14 0.029s
    Truncate 0 35 0.332s
    ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
    na4_owner.binary_cache 0 2 0.1 kB 0.076s
    na4_owner.analytics_meta 0 1 0.0 kB 0.051s
    na4_owner.assigned_group_role 0 1 0.0 kB 0.113s
    na4_owner.assigned_group_permission 0 1 0.0 kB 0.093s
    na4_owner.assigned_role 0 1 0.0 kB 0.118s
    na4_owner.assigned_permission 0 1 0.0 kB 0.131s
    na4_owner.binary_secret_permission 0 1 0.0 kB 0.163s
    na4_owner.binary_secret 0 1 0.0 kB 0.158s
    na4_owner.bundle_entity 0 1 0.0 kB 0.167s
    na4_owner.blacklisttoken 0 1 0.0 kB 0.226s
    na4_owner.constant 0 1 0.0 kB 0.251s 0 1 5.6 kB 0.281s
    na4_owner.deployment_history_action 0 1 0.1 kB 0.237s
    na4_owner.deployment_history 0 1 0.1 kB 0.269s
    na4_owner.group_member 0 2 0.0 kB 0.285s
    na4_owner.inventory 0 1 0.1 kB 0.334s
    na4_owner.deployment_history_deployment_target 0 2 0.0 kB 0.364s
    na4_owner.head 0 1 0.1 kB 0.351s
    na4_owner.inventory_modification 0 1 0.1 kB 0.357s
    na4_owner.inventory_head 0 1 0.1 kB 0.407s
    na4_owner.modification 0 1 0.1 kB 0.383s
    na4_owner.job_status 0 1 0.1 kB 0.443s
    na4_owner.pki_store_content 0 1 0.0 kB 0.438s
    na4_owner.project_template_categories 0 2 0.0 kB 0.458s
    na4_owner.pki_store 0 1 0.1 kB 0.463s
    na4_owner.resource_modification 0 1 0.1 kB 0.505s
    na4_owner.project_template 0 1 0.2 kB 0.534s
    na4_owner.secret 0 1 0.0 kB 0.523s
    na4_owner.resource_head 0 1 0.1 kB 0.539s
    na4_owner.tenant 0 1 0.0 kB 0.551s
    na4_owner.role 0 1 0.0 kB 0.591s
    na4_owner."user" 0 2 0.1 kB 0.572s
    na4_owner.secret_permission 0 0 0.597s
    na4_owner.tip 0 1 0.1 kB 0.610s
    na4_owner.usergroup 0 1 0.0 kB 0.631s
    ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
    COPY Threads Completion 0 4 0.687s
    Reset Sequences 0 0 0.078s
    Create Foreign Keys 0 7 0.022s
    Install Comments 0 0 0.000s
    ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
    Total import time ✓ 39 7.6 kB 0.787s

    The warnings for the constraints are false positive.

  10. Start the nevisAdmin4 service again.

Kubernetes-based installation

  1. Setup a PostgreSQL database. For the setup guide, see PostgreSQL initial setup.

    1. It might be required to whitelist the IP of the Kubernetes cluster in the PostgreSQL database for the migration to work.
  2. Get the current nevisAdmin4 configuration using helm:


    helm get values nevisadmin4 -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE > old-values.yaml

    This will download the current helm values to old-values.yaml.

  3. Make a copy of old-values.yaml called new-values.yaml. You will have to change the database properties in it to point to the newly created postgres database. Some properties that you have to change might be missing. In that case, add them.

    1. database properties
      1. Change the database.type to postgresql.
      2. Change the values of and database.port to point to the service that hosts the PostgreSQL database.
      3. Change the root user credentials to the PostgreSQL root user credentials.
      4. Example config
        1. before modification:
          host: mariadb
          password: Generated1!
          username: root
        2. after modification:
          type: postgresql
          host: postgres
          port: 5432
          password: postgres_password
          username: postgres
    2. nevisAdmin4.database properties
      1. Change the nevisAdmin4.database.applicationUser and nevisAdmin4.database.applicationUserPassword to the PostgreSQL user and user-password.
      2. Change the nevisAdmin4.database.schemaUser and nevisAdmin4.database.schemaUserPassword to the PostgreSQL schema owner and schema-owner-password.

        These users will be created if they don't exist yet.

      3. Example config
        1. before modification:
          applicationUserPassword: Generated1!
          enableSSL: false
          schemaUserPassword: Generated1!
        2. after modification:
          applicationUser: na4_user
          applicationUserPassword: user_password
          enableSSL: false
          schemaUser: na4_owner
          schemaUserPassword: owner_password
  4. Use helm to update the nevisAdmin4 deployment:

    # For the temporary credentials, click the download button for one of the Docker images at

    helm upgrade nevisadmin4 nevisadmin4 -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE -f new-values.yaml \
    --repo$CLOUDSMITH_PASSWORD/nevissecurity/rolling/helm/charts/ \
    --version <version>

    Replace <version> with the version of the nevisAdmin4 chart you are using. If you don't provide a version, helm will use the latest version.

    This will also restart the nevisAdmin4 service, this time with the new database configuration, which will initialize the schema in the new database.

  5. Stop nevisAdmin4 by scaling the replicas down to zero:

    kubectl scale statefulset nevisadmin4 --replicas 0 -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE
  6. Create a ConfigMap for the postgres_migration.load file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: postgres-migration-config
    postgres_migration.load: |
    FROM mysql://<mariadb-user>:<mariadb-pw>@<mariadb-host>:<mariadb-port>/nevisadmin4
    INTO postgresql://<postgres-user>:<postgres-pw>@<postgres-host>:<postgres-port>/nevisadmin4?sslmode=allow
    alter schema 'nevisadmin4' rename to '<postgres-schema>'
    timezone to '<inverse-UTC-of-the-admin4-server>'
    type clob to text,
    type binary to bytea,
    column analytics_meta.last_confirmation to timestamp,
    column job_status.end_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.start_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.creation_time to timestamp,
    column job_status.progress to real
    data only,
    excluding table names matching
  7. Replace <mariadb-user>, <mariadb-pw>, <mariadb-host>, <mariadb-port>, <postgres-user>, <postgres-pw>, <postgres-host>, <postgres-port>, and <postgres-schema> with the appropriate values.

    1. <postgres-user> needs to be either the schema owner of <postgres-schema>, or a superuser.
    2. Example:
    FROM mysql://admin4schemauser:Generated1!@mariadb:3306/nevisadmin4   
    INTO postgresql://na4_owner:owner_password@postgres:5432/nevisadmin4?sslmode=allow
    alter schema 'nevisadmin4' rename to 'na4_owner'
  8. Replace the timezone value with the timezone of your nevisAdmin4 server, with a negated sign. For example, if your nevisAdmin4 server was in UTC+1, replace it with UTC-1. If it was in UTC-1, replace it with UTC+1.

  9. Create a Job to run the pgloader container

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
    name: postgres-migration-job
    - name: pgloader
    image: dimitri/pgloader:latest
    command: ["pgloader", "--no-ssl-cert-verification", "/config/postgres_migration.load"]
    - name: config-volume
    mountPath: /config
    restartPolicy: Never
    - name: config-volume
    name: postgres-migration-config
    backoffLimit: 1
  10. Apply the ConfigMap and Job

    kubectl apply -f postgres-migration-config.yaml -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE
    kubectl apply -f postgres-migration-job.yaml -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE
  11. Check the logs of the job

    kubectl logs -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE $(kubectl get pods -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE --selector=job-name=postgres-migration-job -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    You should see an output that is similar to the one in the nevisAppliance and RPM-based installations section.

  12. Clean up the Job and ConfigMap

    kubectl delete job postgres-migration-job -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE
    kubectl delete configmap postgres-migration-config -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE
  13. Start the nevisAdmin4 service again

    kubectl scale statefulset nevisadmin4 --replicas 1 -n $RELEASE_NAMESPACE