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Version: 7.2402.x.x RR

Sizing and Usage Recommendations

If your setup exceeds any of the following recommendations, nevisAdmin 4 may still work, but user experience may be degraded, and you may encounter performance issues.

Nevis can provide support only if your setup follows the below recommendations.


Up to 20 concurrent users can actively use the nevisAdmin 4 GUI or the REST API.


Up to 100 active projects are supported.

Per project, observe the following limits:

  • Up to 1000 patterns, of which maximum 50 patterns can be Instance patterns. Or up to 3000 patterns, of which maximum 10 patterns can be Instance patterns. Using Connector patterns in nevisAuth, nevisIDM, and so on, you can create connections across projects.
    • For a smooth user experience, we recommend up to 200 patterns per project, with up to 20 Instance patterns.
    • You can split your configuration into multiple projects in case your setup exceeds these limits. Via the nevisAuth, nevisIDM etc. Connector patterns, it is possible to create connections across projects.
  • Up to 100 MB of attachments.
    • Supporting files for login pages, such as large JavaScript libraries, CSS files, images or movies are best managed outside nevisAdmin 4. We recommend that you host these on a separate web server.
  • Up to 1000 variables.
  • Up to 5 projects being edited, imported or updated from Git concurrently, within a time span of 1 minute.
    • To distribute the load, you can set up multiple completely separate nevisAdmin 4 instances, for example on different machines, connecting to different databases. This can be especially useful if you want to separate development, integration and production environments. Note that the same project or inventory should not be edited on different instances.


Up to 100 active inventories are supported.

Per inventory, observe the following limits:

  • The inventory file can be up to 1 MB in size.
  • Up to 100 hosts, up to 50 services.
  • Up to 200 groups.
  • Up to 1000 variables.
  • If your setup exceeds these limits, you can split your configuration into multiple inventories.


Deployment of a project may involve several deployment runs.

Each Instance pattern leads to one or more deployment runs:

  • Classic: number of hosts the Instance is deployed to.
  • Kubernetes: one for each Instance pattern.

The recommended limit of deployment runs is 50. If you have too many deployment runs you can do one of the following:

  • Create groups, and deploy one group after the other.
  • Set up separate nevisAdmin 4 instances.

We recommend to use dedicated nevisAdmin 4 instances to separate stages, for example, test and production.


Do not edit the same inventory on different instances.